Technology Break
Travel without phones or watches for a full wilderness experience. Wake up with the sun, eat when we’re hungry, and be fully present. Group digital camera and SOS Garmin provided.
Free from schedules
With no watches, we can enjoy the fullness of a day unhurried. Embrace the fullness of adventure and freedom of the wilderness. Learn to tell time by the sun.
Free from distractions
With no phones, we strengthen our ability to communicate face-to-face with the people around us. We will learn to listen well, ask questions, discuss, and problem-solve.
Free to enjoy
With a high-quality digital camera on the trip we can capture pictures and remember the trip. There will also be memories that can best be captured by your senses.
Keeping it real…
A struggle: Some people will sense an initial withdrawal from not having their phone or a watch with them. This is normal. The beauty and adventure of being on trail often help by giving something even better to experience!
An invitation: Try taking times apart from your electronics before the trip. Like a fast, you may find the things you thought you wanted fade in comparison to Christ. You may find yourself more fully present, observant, and engaged.
A hope: This is also one of my favorite parts of the trip when people allow themselves to be free from electronics, relax, and settle into wilderness living. We become very present where we are and aware of our surroundings.
For more on phones and wilderness travel, check out some of these articles:
Why We Leave Phones Behind on NOLS Courses (And Why You Should Do It More Often), by: Molly Herber (July 1, 2019)
Six Ways Your Phone Is Changing You, by: Tony Reinke (July 19, 2014)