Summer BWCA Trips Overview

Jesus’ invitation to His disciples: “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31)

Thanks for your interest in a Waters of Rest trip!

Waters of Rest trips are small-batch, intentional, unhurried retreats with goals of: time with the Lord in the wilderness, individual growth in humility, and learning together in community through joys and challenges.

Trips are offered July and August. Individuals or groups ages 18-70s can sign up for men’s, women’s, or co-ed trips. These guided 6-day, 5-night trips are fully guided and include all training, food, gear, rich programming, a trail (Bible) study, and numerous opportunities for spiritual formation. The 2025 cost is $1,200. The benefits are immeasurable!

Boundary Waters campers do not need to be elite athletes, but need to be able and willing to do the following:

1) Walk 1-2 miles up and down hills in various terrains
2) Portage (carry) 40-pound packs and canoes
3) Get in and out of canoe from rocky knee-deep water

1) Share medical conditions accurately on med form
2) Know it could take up to 2 days to get to a hospital

1) Try new things with a positive attitude
2) Flexible and humble, ready to learn
3) Open to explore, releasing expectations

1) Desire to seek Jesus in the wilderness
2) Listen, learn, and grow together

1) Work as a team for the good of the group
2) Compassionately help and ask for help
3) Follow instructions promptly and sincerely

1) Complete the registration process before May
2) Reply to emails in a timely manner

What are the steps to registering for a trip?

  • There are many ways to visit the Boundary Waters. There are many excellent outfitters who guide trips. Waters of Rest trips are intentionally unique. See above.
    Also, please take some time to honestly and prayerfully consider if you are in a place to participate as a camper on one of these trips. See above.

  • Each member of the group will commit to basic principles of wilderness living. These are essential for the safety and unity of the team, for the preservation of the Boundary Waters, and for a great trip together.

    Click here to read the Wilderness Living Commitment.

  • We’d love to hear from you and walk you through the process of registering for a Waters of Rest trip for summer 2025!

    Fill out the Trip Interest Form!